Current Conditions


About Air Quality

Local air quality can affect our lives. Like the weather, it can change from day to day. Ground-level ozone and particle pollution (particulate matter) pose the greatest threat to health in Wasatch County. Ozone can reduce lung function so that you may have feelings of chest tightness, wheezing, or shortness of breath. Particle pollution is composed of microscopic solids or liquid droplets that can get deep into the lungs and cause serious health problems. Although air quality in the U.S. has generally improved substantially in recent decades, air pollution remains a significant cause of poor health.


The Air Quality Index (AQI) is a tool used by government agencies, including EPA, the Utah Department of Health and Human Services, and the Utah Department of Environmental Quality, to communicate information about current and forecasted air quality conditions to the public. The purpose of the AQI is to help you understand what local air quality conditions mean for your health. The AQI converts air pollutant concentrations into a single, simple number that is easy to understand: the higher the AQI value, the greater the level of air pollution and the greater the health concern.

In Utah, the AQI is based on concentrations of the two primary air pollutants of concern, ozone and particulate matter. You can help protect your health from the effects of air pollution by monitoring air quality in your area and using the AQI to modify your activities as necessary. The adjustments that are needed when the AQI is high will vary from person to person but may include reducing the amount of time spent outdoors or choosing less strenuous activities.

Under normal atmospheric conditions, the air is warmer near the ground and colder at higher altitudes. In a temperature inversion, the situation “inverts,” and cold air at the surface gets trapped under a layer of warmer air. During the winter, snow-covered valley floors reflect rather than absorb heat, preventing the vertical mixing of warm and cold air that usually keeps pollutants from building up to unhealthy levels at the surface.

For more details about inversions and their causes, watch the video below and visit

Infographic about inversions

The Clean Air Act requires the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to establish national air quality standards for six common air pollutants that are found throughout the United States. EPA refers to these pollutants as “criteria” pollutants because they are regulated by using human health-based and/or environmentally-based criteria to set permissible levels. The levels set by EPA are known as National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS). 

Areas are categorized as either in attainment or non-attainment based on whether they meet NAAQS. Wasatch County currently meets all NAAQS standards and is classified as an attainment area.

Helpful Tips & Resources

Everyone can play a part in keeping our air clean and healthy. Below are tips and resources to help us, including specific recommendations for homes, schools, and businesses.

Cleaner Gasoline = Fewer Emissions

Tier 3 is an Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) program regulating fuel efficiency in cars and the sulfur content of gasoline. This cleaner gasoline reduces the harmful emissions created by cars and helps clean the air.

Used with fully compliant vehicles, Tier 3 gasoline will reduce key emissions that contribute to ozone and particulate pollution up to 80%. When used with older vehicles, key emissions reduction is typically 13%. Although this may not sound like much, it is comparable to not driving for one day every week!

There are at least four gas stations in Wasatch County that offer Tier 3 fuel. Click the button below to find Tier 3 gas stations locally and across the state:

Learn more about Tier 3 fuel by visiting

Free Transportation for the Wasatch Back

High Valley Transit (HVT) is fare-free public transit across the Wasatch Back. Services include:

  • Micro, an on-demand transit service serving Kimball Junction and surrounding areas, plus new service in Park Meadows, Deer Valley's Royal Street and all of the Heber Valley 
  • The 101, a high-frequency route between Jeremy Ranch and Deer Valley 
  • The 102, a commuter route between Francis, Kamas, and Old Town Transit Center 
  • The 103, a shuttle within Kimball Junction 
  • The 104, a shuttle serving the Bitner neighborhood 
  • The 105, a shuttle serving Canyons Village 
  • The 106, a commuter route between Heber City and Park City

Book rides on the HVT app or by calling (435) 246-1538

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Recess Guidance for Schools

The Utah Recess Guidance is a set of air quality guidelines for schools to use in determining whether to move recess indoors based off of PM 2.5 levels. In 2016, a group of health scientists, parents, school personnel, and air quality advocacy groups updated the Guidance to be more protective and align with the EPA AQI recommendations.

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