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About Water Quality

The health department works with local and state partners to ensure the water we drink and use recreationally is safe for both us and the environment. We do this by inspecting drinking water systems, monitoring recreational water bodies, and protecting our watersheds.

Drinking Water

Drinking water comes from a variety of sources including public water systems, private wells, and bottled water. It is important to know where drinking water comes from and if it's safe to drink. Below is a brief summary of these sources, including links to helpful resources. To expand a section, click on the '+' button.

The regulation of public water systems in Utah is the responsibility of the Utah Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) . The health department partners with DEQ to inspect water systems and ensure they meet standards of the Safe Drinking Water Act .

Public water systems must test their water on a regular basis; the frequency of testing depends on the size of the system — water companies with more customers must test more frequently than smaller systems with fewer customers. Water systems are required to send their users a Consumer Confidence Report annually that lists the results of their testing.

There are several public water systems operating in Wasatch County. To find out which system provides water to you, please visit deq.utah.gov/drinking-water/water-system-search-form .

EPA does not regulate or provide standards for individual private wells. As a private well owner, you are responsible for the safety of your water. It is recommended that well owners have the following tests performed on an annual basis: 

Nitrate, pH, Total Dissolved Solids, and Total Coliforms/E.coli

For more information about private well testing, please visit the Utah Public Health Laboratory Private Wells webpage at uphl.utah.gov/environmental-chemistry-program/env_chem_privatewells/

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulates the safety of bottled water and bases its standards on the EPA standards for tap water. If these standards are met, water is considered safe for most healthy individuals. The bottled water industry must also follow FDA’s good manufacturing practices for processing and bottling drinking water.

Read the label on your bottled water to learn where the water comes from and how it has been treated to make it safe for drinking. While there is currently no standardized label for bottled water, labels may tell you about the way the water is treated. Check the label for a toll-free number or web page address of the company that bottled the water to learn more.

Recreational Water

People use rivers and lakes for many different forms of recreation. Some recreational activities take place in or on the water, such as swimming, boating, fishing, whitewater rafting, and surfing. Other activities are enhanced by being close to water, such as hiking, nature viewing, and hunting waterfowl. Swimming and other recreational activities in contaminated water can make people ill, so criteria have been developed to protect people from organisms, such as viruses and bacteria, and their associated toxins in water bodies. Below is information about harmful algal blooms and waterborne pathogens, including links to helpful resources. To expand a section, click on the '+' button.

Harmful algal blooms (HABs) develop when naturally occurring cyanobacteria in the water multiply very quickly to form green or blue-green water, scum, or mats. These blooms can produce potent cyanotoxins that pose serious health risks to humans, pets, and livestock. The health department may issue health watches and advisories if harmful algae are present in waterbodies in Wasatch County. For more information about HABs, please visit habs.utah.gov .

Photo Examples of Harmful Algal Blooms (click to enlarge):
 Report a Bloom: Call the 24-Hour DEQ Environment Incidents Line at (801) 536-4123
 Exposed to a Bloom? Call the Utah Poison Control Center at (800) 222-1222

Recreational water illnesses are caused by bacteria, viruses, and parasites in the water. These waterborne pathogens can cause diarrhea, vomiting, cramps, fever, and rashes. People can be exposed to these pathogens if they swallow water when they swim or eat food without washing their hands first. For more information, visit deq.utah.gov/water-quality/recreational-water-quality-home#e-coli .

Waterborne Pathogen Illness Prevention

2020 Ground Water Study

Under the direction of the Environmental Health Division, SWCA Environmental Consultants conducted a two-year study of groundwater resources in the Heber and Round Valleys. Completed in the fall of 2020, this study serves as an update to a similar study done more than 25 years ago by Hansen, Allen, and Luce (HAL) in 1994. The SWCA study included the following objectives:

  • Collect new data to characterize the water quality of the Heber and Round Valley aquifers and evaluate changes in water quality over the past 25 years, including evaluating the effectiveness of the measures implemented following the HAL study and setting a baseline for groundwater conditions as part of a future monitoring program.
  • Model the effect of future population growth on water quality of the aquifers.
  • Make recommendations to the health department related to regulations on development of small wastewater disposal systems within Wasatch County to inform
    future planning decisions.

Water Lab

The health department operates a water quality lab that tests for bacteria in drinking water and swimming pools. These tests identify the level of total coliform bacteria and E. coli.

Testing is available for the general public (e.g., private wells) and regulated entities (e.g., public drinking water systems, public swimming pools). The lab is certified by the State of Utah and meets requirements for monthly regulatory coliform testing for drinking water systems and swimming pools.

Location and Operating Hours

The lab is located in Room 120 of the Wasatch County Community Services Building (the building that houses the health department)

Samples may be submitted Monday through Wednesday from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm and Thursday from 8:00 am to 12:00 pm


Culinary Water: $25.00 per sample

Swimming Pool: $28.00 per sample

Other Websites

Drinking Water and Private Wells
DEQ Drinking Water logo
EPA logo
CDC Logo
CDC Logo
Wellowner.org logo
The Private Well Class


Recreational Water (HABs & Waterborne Pathogens)
DEQ Water Quality logo
Utah Department of Health and Human Services logo
CDC Logo